Asparagus densiflorus

Foxtail Fern, Asparagus Fern, Plume Fern


Native to South Africa, this evergreen perennial thrives in warm and balmy regions, and its growth can be vigorous. Under the right conditions, A. densiflorus can accomplish being a small, symmetrical bush, three-foot high and four-foot wide.

In spring and summer, minuscule white or pale pink flowers would inconspicuously hide beneath the foliage. Upon the blossoms’ pollination, the plant produces small green berries, which turn red or black when ripe around winter time. The plant’s berries are toxic to humans and pets if ingested.

In warm climate of Woodland Hills, A. densiflorus is a popular outdoor perennial. Its feathery, light green, fern-like foliage looks stunning as it leisurely arches out of flower pots, or cascades down in neon-green waves over a sloped rock garden or bank.

Quick facts

Height: 2 to 3 feet
Width: 3 to 4 feet
Leaves: evergreen

Soil: loam, sand, chalk, clay, moist but well-drain
pH: acid, alkaline, neutral
Exposure: partial sun

Water: average
Tolerance: drought, shade
Toxicity: berries when ingested

Landscape warning: difficult to eradicate once established



Gardenia. (n.d.). Asparagus densiflorus (Asparagus Fern).

Badgett, B. (2021, July 26). Foxtail Asparagus Ferns - Information On The Care Of Foxtail Fern. Gardening Know How. is not affiliated with, nor sanctioned by the City of Los Angeles or any other entity, public or private.
Information presented here is unverified, and is for entertainment and educational purposes only.

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