Lantana montevidensis

Purple Lantana, Wild Verbena, Trailing Lantana, Creeping Lantana, Weeping Lantana, Small Lantana, Trailing Shrub Verbena, Yellow Lantana, Ajuga, Lantana Sellowiana, Pole-Cat Geranium


Native to South America, Lantana is a large family of 150 varieties, consisting of dwarf forms of the plant as well as trailing and bushy varieties. In Woodland Hills, Lantana plants bloom all year round, making a splash of red, orange, and yellow along the borders or sprinkling extra joy of color on a solid green hedge.

L. montevidensis is a woody perennial that thrives in extreme heat in virtually any kind of well-drained soil. The shrub’s strongly scented evergreen foliage forms a dense ground cover that grows up to two feet high and spreads to five feet. Lantana’s carpet of dark-green leaves complements the plant’s showy pinkish-violet flowers, gathered in bouquet-like round clusters. In Woodland Hills' Mediterranean climate, Lantana blossoms in abundance continuously throughout the year.

Quick facts

Height: 1 to 2 feet
Width: 3 to 5 feet
Spacing: 2 feet

Soil: clay, loam, sand, moist but well-drained
pH: acid, alkaline, neutral
Exposure: full to partial sun

Water: low, average
Tolerance: drought, heat
Toxicity: highly toxic if ingested to humans, dogs, cats, and horses; skin-irritant.

Wildlife: attracts bees and butterflies



Gardenia. (n.d.). Lantana montevidensis (Trailing Lantana).

Grant, B. L. (2022, July 27).
Varieties of Lantana: Learn about Lantana plants for the garden. Gardening Know How. is not affiliated with, nor sanctioned by the City of Los Angeles or any other entity, public or private.
Information presented here is unverified, and is for entertainment and educational purposes only.

© 2024 John Leggatt